English – Long Mynd and Hawkstone -Lost and Found

Our focus today is to think and consider the feelings of the characters within the story.  We would like you to consider how both  the young boy and penguin are feeling . It might help to imagine you are the character, and exactly think about how you would feel if you were them.

Your task is to watch the telling of the story of Lost and Found  and brainstorm adjectives of what type of person / character  is. E.G caring, happy.  Following on from your brainstorm – write a descriptive paragraph about the feelings of one of the characters .Focusing on capital letters, full stops and expanded noun phrases. See writing template below.

Character feelings worksheet

I have included a short video explain what expanded nouns phrases are and how to include them in your writing.

Cheeky Challenge: Think about your feelings at the moment, being in lockdown and learning from home.  Write a paragraph explaining how you feel and why.