Monday 1st March Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths.

Swans, I have been so impressed by all your maths work recently. Well done!

You are amazing mathematicians!

Let’s start today by counting to 100.

Now we are going to join Hedwig the owl and watch another Oak National Academy video. Today we will be comparing numbers to 20.

You will need a pencil and paper to complete the activity.

Here is the picture from the video, made a little bigger so it is easier for your child to count the objects.

Here is the worksheet to accompany the video.


This is the picture of the sweets from the worksheet to compare the prices.

You can represent the tens and ones on your tens frames using counters.

Or you could use this as an opportunity to introduce a 10p coin to your child and a 1p coin.

Crowned Lion

Explain that the 10p is the same as ten ones.

Can your child represent the prices of the sweets using 10 pence coins and 1 pence coins?

Now, as explained in the video, can they compare the prices of two sweets?