Monday 22nd February Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Hello everyone! I hope you had a lovely Half Term break!

For the next two weeks, we are going to work on a new story called ‘Lost and Found’ which is written by the author, Oliver Jeffers.

Oliver Jeffers is the same author who wrote ‘What We’ll Build’ and ‘Here We are’. Here is the story for you.

Talk to your grown up about the story – what do you like or dislike about it?

Today we are going to be thinking about something, or someone being lost.

Have you ever got lost? Where were you? Talk to your grown up about this. Can you remember what it felt like? Were you worried or scared? How did your grown up feel?

Have you ever lost anything? Sometimes we lose our favourite teddy, which makes it really hard to go to sleep. What did you lose? How did you feel when you could not find it? Can you think of some words to describe how you felt?

Once I lost my favourite scarf, I looked everywhere for it! I was very cross because I could not remember where I had left it. I also felt sad, because I really liked it. 

Today I would like you to write some sentences either telling me about when you got lost, or when you lost something.

I would like you to tell me how you felt. Did you try to find the thing you had lost? Or if you got lost, how did you find your grown ups again?

Write in full sentences, remembering your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

Here is an example. It is what I have written about when I lost my scarf. I have written it to show you my neat handwriting, which is sitting on the lines of my book. I have used finger spaces between my words.

I have also typed it out so you can check that I have remembered capital letters and full stops. I have highlighted my punctuation and the red tricky words.