Thursday – Sport and Fitness day

Good morning Everyone

I was really impressed with all the different maths activities and science activities you chose to do yesterday. Some of you chose to bake and you really made me quite hungry when I saw all your lovely cakes that you made.


Today we are thinking about how other’s words and reactions can effect our feelings. In our story Auggie is about to meet some new friends who have come in to show him around his new school. we will find out how they react to meeting Auggie for the first time. Tune in to our  Read and Relax at

Topic: Read and Relax
Time: Feb 11, 2021 02:00 PM London

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Meeting ID: 979 2545 4507
Passcode: Read

Thursday English power point


Today’s mystery is The robbery at the Valentines day disco. Again if you solve the mystery – you will win a small prize.


Sport and PE

Shall we try something different today?

Here are some links to have a go at. There are more on the timetable as well.

Old Town Road Zumba