Art and DT for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Today we would like you watch the video of Any Dream Will Do .

In the story the main focus is Josephs amazing technicoloured dream coat.

For today’s activity we would like you to design your own coat onto a gingerbread man. Using icing and colourful sweets ( this could be skittle, smarties, rainbow drops)  we would like you to design a coat for Joseph. This can be as imaginative and colourful as you want.

  1. Use icing to cover the whole top of the gingerbread man.
  2. Sprinkle the sprinkle topping ( sweets of your choice ) on the icing (letting the extras fall on a plate so you can re-use them). Or you can put a lot of sprinkles in a dish and turn the frosted cookie upside down and put into the sprinkles (press down just a little bit until they stick).
  3. Put on the sweets to make  eyes, mouth, and buttons on his coat.

Please find below a video of how you make your icing . Alternatively you can buy tubed icing that is already mixed .

If you can not access any gingerbread men as an alternative you could decorate a biscuit (rich tea) and design a coat on that instead.

If you do not have access to  gingerbread men or rich tea biscuits, then we have attached a template of a blank coat for you to design your own by drawing and colouring it instead.

Blank coat template

Please send in your finished designs via class dojo and we look forward to seeing your work.