Monday 22nd February 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Good morning Reception children and families!

I hope you all had a lovely half term break.


For the next two weeks our bible story our learning will focus on our whole school topic. The topic will be based on the bible story ‘Joseph and his coat of many colours’. Alongside this we will be reading ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers.

On Friday 26th February we will be having a Safer Internet day. Our learning on Friday will focus around this.

Here is the ‘Lost and Found’ story for you to listen to and watch:


What did you think about the story? Did you like it? Talk with your grown up about the story.

The main characters in the story were the boy and the penguin. Here is a video about penguins:


I hope you enjoyed watching the video. What did you learn about penguins? 

Today I would like you to label the different parts of a penguin. You can draw a penguin yourself and then label the different body parts or there is a link below for you to print out a penguin picture to label.

write the labels to show the penguin body parts


If you would like to you can write a penguin fact file. To do this you could find out different facts about penguins by using the internet, books or television programmes. When you have found out an interesting fact write it down to make your fact file.

Please remember to send me some photographs of your penguin work. I have been giving out lots of Dojo points for great work at home.

Today I would like you to read a Bug Club book and practice reading and writing the red tricky words.


If you have been following the Read Write Inc sessions today you will have learned the special friends sound ‘ng’.

You can practise writing the ‘ng’ sound in different ways for example pencil and paper, paintbrush and water, in salt. Can you think of any words that have the ‘ng’ sound in them?

Here is a link to some phonics games you can choose to play:

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home