Tuesday 23rd February 2021. Maths home learning for Clee and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Today we are going to start our maths learning by joining in some counting and measuring songs:


Today we are going to be measuring using non-standard units of measure. That means that you are going to measure using objects like toy cars, blocks, pencils etc.

Below is a link to a measuring penguins activity. But if you are unable to print out the sheet you can find things to measure in your house; especially if you have any toy animals like penguins, polar bears, seals. Please don’t worry if you haven’t got these animals you can use anything you’ve got at home.



Image result for measuring penguins

Image result for measuring toy animals using non-standard

Now I would like you to measure using whatever non-standard units you have. Which one is the tallest? Can you find any the same height?


If you would like to try some more measuring here are some polar bear sheets:

Middle Ability Polar Bear Measuring in Cubes Sheets

Higher Ability Polar Bear Measuring in Cubes Sheets


Here are some measuring games for you to try:




Here is the link for the children who are learning to recognise, count and represent smaller numbers. Today you need to watch the session 2 video in the phase Light and Dark week 2:


Here is the activity: