Thursday 25th February 2021. Maths home learning for Clee and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


We are going to start our maths learning by joining in some number songs:



Today we are going to look at and have a go at making some repeating patterns.

repeating pattern is a type of pattern where the rule just keeps on repeating over and over.

Here are some examples of repeating patterns:

Image result for repeating patterns

Image result for repeating patterns using real objects

There is a link below which will take you to some animals which live in cold climates which you can cut out and use to make a repeating pattern:

animals for repeat patterns

If you are unable to print out the animals you can use objects which you have in your house or garden.

Image result for repeating patterns using real objects

Image result for repeating patterns using real objects

Image result for repeating patterns using real objects



If you would like to learn a little more about repeating patterns here is the link to Oak Academy lesson on repeating patterns:

For the activity you will need:


Please remember to send me some photographs of your repeating patterns and how you have made them.