Wednesday’s Learning

English lesson three:

In our English lesson today, we will be continuing to understand the book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by looking into the the evidence within the text to imagine and describe the Island in the story.

Please click the link below that will guide you through today’s learning.

The worksheet for today’s task is also available for you to access below. If you are unable to print the worksheet, instead, draw a picture of the island and create write a description below your picture.

English Wednesday 24.2.21[1376]

Wednesday 24.02 English Lesson 3 Worksheet[1371]

Maths lesson three:

For today’s maths lesson, we will continuing to reinforce our knowledge on how to multiply a three digit number using a shorter written method.

Please watch the video below again to help reinforce your knowledge on multiplying three digit numbers.

Spr5.1.2 – Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

For today’s lesson, please click the link below to access today’s learning PowerPoint. Firstly, please complete the fluent in five maths warm up to prepare you for today’s learning.

Once you have completed your fluent in five, you can then progress through the PowerPoint that will further explain today’s learning and allow you to work through some examples before completing your ‘must, should and could’ for today.

Maths spring term Wednesday 24.02.21

Afternoon Art lesson:

Today for our afternoon lesson we will be doing some art. The Biblical story of Joseph shows us how Joseph is gifted a coat of many colours by his father. In our lesson today, we will be learning about how different colours are created and creating your own multicoloured dream coat.

Click the below to access today’s art lesson PowerPoint. The template to create your dream coat is available for you to access below. If you are unable to print this, please draw your own dream coat following this template as a guide.

Wednesday colour art lesson 24.02.21[1288]

Wednesday Joseph coat template 24.02.21