Daily English- Long Mynd and Hawkstone

For English today we would like you to create a lost or missing poster for the penguin. Have a look at the video below which shows the penguin turning up at the little boys door lost.

When creating your lost or missing poster you need to include 

  1. Penguins Name 
  2. Type of Animal (species)
  3. Where the Penguin was last seen (date, where)
  4.  If found who to contact (telephone number, email, address)
  5. A picture of the penguin ( can label; clothes, items, props, colour in neatly)
  6. A description on what the penguin looks like (full sentences, expanded noun phrases, full stops)

Have a look at the picture below to give you some ideas on how to describe the penguin and what to include

Here is the worksheet for todays task. If you would like to make your own lost or missing poster you can.

Missing or Lost poster

Click to enlarge 

Have a look at the example below.

Please click to enlarge images