Monday 1st March – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

This week we are continuing our work on the Oliver Jeffers Book, Lost and Found. Here it is for you.

Today you are going to try something a little different in your literacy. You are going to make and write a prediction. Then you will carry out a scientific experiment, and then you will write up your results.

Hopefully your grown ups will have collected a selection of plastic trays and you have two small plastic figures or toys, to represent the boy and the penguin from the story.

If you haven’t managed to collect those items, please do so now.

Please now watch this video.

Now have a go at writing out your prediction and then carrying out the experiment. Here is a prompt sheet for your grown ups to help you.

Boat Size and Strength Testing STEM Activity

What happened in your experiment? Which boat was the best? Why? Write up the result of your experiment like I showed you in the video.