Wednesday 3rd March Clee and Earls Hill. UTW/Topic

Joseph came from a large family. He had 11 brothers! Josephs father, Jacob had a lot of children. When they grew up, they had children too. So then Jacob became a grandfather. The family grew and grew.

FreeBibleimages :: Joseph meets his brothers :: When Joseph's brothers  visit Egypt to buy grain they do not know they are speaking to their  missing brother, Joseph (Genesis 41:41 - 42:38)

Reception / Cygnets – How many people are in your family? Ask your child to draw or paint a family portrait. Discuss grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins and how you are all related.

Perhaps you could cut and fold a piece of paper to make a house shape and your child could draw or paint the family portrait inside the house. Can they write name labels for each family member?

Year 1 / Swans. Today I’d like you to create a family tree. Talk about your immediate family with your child. Explain the relationship with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

Here is an imaginary family tree to help you explain the concept to your child. Imagine the child you are talking about is Natasha. Her family member names are written in red pen. Their relationship to her are written in purple.

Start with your child. Does your child have brother or sisters?

Who are your child’s parents? (You!) Do you have brothers or sisters?

Explain to your child that they are aunts or uncles.

If aunts or uncles have children, they are your child’s cousins.

Does your child have any cousins?

Talk about your parents. Explain to your child that your parents are their grandparents.

This is as far as you need to go for your child!

Here are some simple family tree templates you might like to copy and use. It might be simpler to simply fill in a family tree showing your child and their brothers or sisters, your child’s parents and grandparents.

Family Tree for Kids – Free Family Tree Templates

Free Family Tree Templates - for A+ Projects