Friday’s Learning


Good morning Stiperstones,

Today Holy Trinity are having an Internet Safety Day. Mr Dickson is going to introduce our day at 9am with an assembly. It is very important that you all join in. We will be having a lesson to further our knowledge on this important topic in the afternoon!

Mr Dickson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Mr Dickson’s KS2 Collective Worship
Time: Feb 26, 2021 09:00 AM London
Meeting ID: 979 1168 2802
Passcode: Trinity

English lesson five: 

For our English lesson today, we will be reading chapter 5 of the book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ and exploring the emotions shown in this part of the story. For this activity you will need to answer questions about this part of the text and then identify the emotions described by this author in this chapter and describe how the author shows these emotions.

Please click the link below to access today’s PowerPoint.

The worksheet to be completed for today’s lesson is also available for you to access below.

English Friday 26.2.21[1369]

Friday 26.02 English Lesson 5 Worksheet[1373]

Maths lesson five:

For our maths lesson today, we will be continuing to consolidate our learning of how to multiply a four digit number.

Please click the link below to be able to access the PowerPoint for today’s lesson. Firstly, please complete the fluent in five warm up maths activity on the first slide. After this, work through the examples on using the short written method to multiply a four digit number and then try to complete the ‘must, should and could’ activities.

Challenge yourself by having a go at completing the cheeky challenge too if you complete these first activities.

Maths spring term Friday 26.02.21

A video is also available for you to watch below to recap how to multiply a four digit number.

Spr5.1.3 – Multiply 4-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Afternoon Science lesson:

While learning about the Biblical story of Joseph, we have come to learn that Joseph was gifted a coat of many colours by his father Jacob. But how are we able to see the colours of his coat?

For today’s science lesson, we will be learning all about how we are able to see different colours using an experiment and understanding Isaac Newton’s experiment that allowed us to discover how we see colour. Today’s lesson also allows you to make a spectroscope to allow you to see how different colours can be seen.

Please click on the link below to be able to access today’s PowerPoint that will guide you through our learning.

Friday light science lesson 26.02.21

Internet Safety Afternoon 

Mr Dickson discussed with you the importance of Internet Safety. We would like you to engage with all the resources on the links below to further your safety.


Click on the links to engage in the videos, games and quizzes that are on this page and watch the live lesson on Internet Safety.
