Tuesday 2nd March Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths.

Hello Swans! To start today, see if you can fill in the gaps in this number line up to 20.

Can you verbally say the missing numbers? Can you copy out the number line and fill in the gaps?

Now see if you can tell your grownup which picture has more and which one has fewer. Can you say it in a full sentence? Here is my example:

There are more hats than watches. There are fewer watches than hats.

 Now have a try at these.                                                                       

Today we are going to be comparing numbers and also putting them in the right order. We are going to watch an Oak National Academy video to help us.

For this video you are going to need some paper, a pencil and something to count with, such as counters, coins or pasta. Sometimes this video goes a little fast, so pause it if you need some time to think about what is being said.


Make sure you pause to do the independent task. If you cannot print the pictures, ask your grown ups to draw some number lines for you.