Friday – It’s Internet Safety day – today!

Good morning Everyone,

Today Holy Trinity are having an Internet Safety Day. Mr Dickson is going to introduce our day at 9.30 am with an assembly. It is very important that you all join in. We will be having a lesson to further our knowledge on this important topic in the afternoon!

Mr Dickson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Mr Dickson’s KS2 Collective Worship
Time: Feb 26, 2021 09:00 AM London
Meeting ID: 979 1168 2802
Passcode: Trinity


In today’s lesson we are learning how to write about and describe emotions. 

English Friday 26.2.21




Topic: Decimals
Time: Feb 26, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 980 2591 5196
Passcode: Live

Spr6.2.5 – Fractions to decimals (1) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


Internet Safety Afternoon 

Mr Dickson discussed with you the importance of Internet Safety. We would like you to engage with all the resources on the links below to further your safety.

Click on the links to engage in the videos, games and quizzes that are on this page and watch the live lesson on Internet Safety.


These are not links – they are just pictures to show you what is available on this site from the link above.






In the Biblical story of Joseph and his technicolour dream coat, we can see how Joseph’s coat is full of many different colours, but how do we see those colours?

Find out by working through the power point below.

Friday light science lesson 26.02.21

Have a great day!