Whole school Collective Worship

Good morning, so every week on a Friday, I will be posting a whole school collective worship for you to complete with your child/ren at home.

This week the focus is Wisdom.

A Christian Perspective on Wisdom:

Christians believe that true wisdom comes from God. As a believer grows in faith so wisdom will increase. In the Bible wisdom is seen both as a gift from God and a characteristic of God. In his parables, Jesus taught that placing trust in God and recognising what is of value in life brings fulfilment.

Proverbs 4:6-7

‘Do not forsake wisdom and she will protect you: love her and she will watch over you’.

We have a wonderful video from Holy Trinity Church for you to watch: –  https://youtu.be/3e71ttF5CpA  please click the link. Within the video we focus on the bible story:

‘Matthew 7:24-27  – The Wise and Foolish Builders’.

I have also included a video for you to watch and even sing along to:

Here are lots of interesting things to do linked to the Christian value  WISDOM click to download your copy – wisdom

Though of the day: