Thursday, 25th February Home Learning

Good morning everyone!  Well done on completing your home learning yesterday, and do not forget to keep sending it in either through Class Dojo or our class email.

We will be holding our class daily zoom today.  Please make sure you do join, it is an important part of our day and an opportunity to discuss our daily home learning activities.  You will find our daily zoom links on Class Dojo.

Phonics Home Learning

Please join in with the live session of our Read Write Inc Phonics, set 3 with Rosie.  This session goes live on YouTube from 9.30am and can be accessed for 24 hours.

Ruth Miskin Training – YouTube

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start off our maths session by singing our counting in 5s song.  Once you have joined in, please write down all numbers up to 50 counting in 5s, making sure all your numbers are formed correctly.  Why not challenge yourself even more by going up to 100 counting in 5s.

Today we are going to continue with our Multiplication and Division unit, concentrating on dividing by 5.  This is where we are sharing a number equally into five groups.  For example:

Let’s have a close look at our number sentence and what each part means:

Now, please watch the video below which explains dividing by 5 in greater detail.

Spr2.4.3 – Divide by 5 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

I would now like you to complete the work sheet based on dividing by 5.  Remember, I like you to be as practical as possible, and using different equipment can help our learning.  There may be many things around your house to support your learning of dividing by 5.  Make sure you ask permission first, but some ideas are lego bricks, dolls, cars, books, sweets, fruit or coins.  You will be using these to divide by 5 – sharing equally into 5 groups.  You could draw five circles on a piece of paper, use string or wool to make a circle shape, or use a hoop – be creative and as practical as possible during your maths worksheet activity.

Dividing by 5

Cheeky Challenge: Complete the true or false problem below.  Show me your working out either by drawing representations or by using equipment.

English Home Learning

To start our English lesson today, I would like you to look at the following picture in detail.  Then I would like you to list as many adjectives (exciting describing words) as possible.  Finally, please use at least two of your adjectives in a sentence.  How many sentences can you write?  As an extra challenge, can you include three exciting adjectives in a sentence?

We are continuing with our English based on the story Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.  To start with, please write a full sentence how you think the penguin felt throughout the story.

Now, let’s listen to the story again.

Lost and Found Story

Today, we are going to write our own letter based on our story Lost and Found.  Let’s have a quick recap of our letter WAGOLL (What A Good One Looks Like).

Now it’s over to you to write your own letter.  Use the plan you produced yesterday as guidance, and refer to our WAGOLL above for support.

Cheeky Challenge: Check back through your letter and see if there is any further information you can add, and that you have used all features from our WAGOLL.

Please carry out your daily reading.

Art Home Learning

Please see Mr Hughes’ separate art post for today’s lesson.  Remember to send in your photographs.

Now is also your opportunity to learn our whole school song, Any Dream Will Do.

Have a good day and keep sending in your hard work.