Monday 1st March 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Good morning Reception children and families!

I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend?

This time next week we will all be back in school. Isn’t that so exciting? I am looking forward so much to seeing you all in school again. I can’t wait to hear about the things you’ve been doing while you’ve been at home.


This week we are continuing to learn about the bible story ‘Joseph and his coat of many colours.’ Our literacy will continue to be based around the ‘Lost and Found’ story by Oliver Jeffers.

Here is the story for you to watch again if you wish to:


Can you remember the part of the story where the boy goes to the Lost and Found Office to see if anyone has lost a penguin?

good penguin/bad penguin – Falling Rock National Park


Sometimes if somebody has lost something they may put up a poster or a sign showing a picture of what they have lost. You may have seen a poster like the ones below on a telegraph pole or in a shop. 

Jellycat | Around The World in 80 Lost Cat Posters

Putting up posters about a lost pet in Edinburgh could land you with a £200 fine - Edinburgh Live

These are put up in the hope that someone may know where the item that is lost might be.

When the boy went to the Lost and Found office he thought that the penguin was lost and that someone may be looking for him. Today I would like you to make a poster for something which is lost. The poster needs to show:

  • A picture of what is lost
  • A description of it (what it looks like)
  • The telephone number to ring if they know where the item is.

Here is a poster that I made:

Here is a link to the template I used if you would like to use it too:

Lost Penguin poster

Remember to make your poster as colourful and descriptive as you can.

Please send me a photograph of your poster. I am looking forward to giving out some more Dojo points to all the children who send me pictures.


Today I would also like you to read a book with your grown up. I would also like you to think of as many animals as you can which live at the South Pole. You can use books or the internet to help you. Can you write a list of these animals? Can you draw some of them? You may even have some toys animals at your house. 

Here is a link to a song about the South Pole and the North Pole:


Here are the links to some online Phonics games: