Tuesday’s Learning

English lesson two:

For Today’s English lesson, we will be reading chapter 7 of the book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ and understanding the events of this chapter. For this task, we will be inferring the meaning of aspects of the text with evidence to support our thoughts and predicting what we think will happen next in the book.

Use the PowerPoint available below to guide you through today’s task.

English Tuesday 2.3.21

Maths lesson two:

For today’s maths lesson, we will be continuing to reinforce the method we began to use yesterday on using an area model to guide us in multiplying a 2 digit number.

Please click on the link below to guide you through today’s learning. Please firstly, complete the fluent in five maths warm up activity and then work your way through the ‘must, should and could’ using the examples to help  you first.

Tuesday math, 2.03.21

Please also watch the video below to help you if you are unsure on multiplying a two-digit number using this method.


Afternoon P.S.H.E lesson:

This afternoon, we will be looking the meaning of the the terms equality and equity in relation to the story of Joseph and how Joseph was treated compared to his brothers.

You will then be creating an eye-catching poster all about what equality is and how we should act towards each other to make sure we are treated equally.

Please click the link below to access today’s PowerPoint that will guide you through the meaning of these terms and the task to be completed.

Equality lesson