Wednesday’s Learning

English lesson three:

During today’s English lesson, we will be reading chapter 8 of ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ and firstly, answering questions about this part of the text, then followed by creating a timeline about all the events that you have comes across in the book so far.

Please click the link below to be able to access today’s PowerPoint that will guide you through today’s English lesson.

English Wednesday 3.3.21


Maths lesson three:

For maths today, we will now be using the area model method to help u understand how to use the column multiplication method and reinforce our learning of how to multiply a two digit number, so that we have lots of tools to help us work multiplication questions out.

Please click on the link below to access today’s maths learning and work your way through the ‘must, should and could’ set for today.

Lesson 3- Wednesday 3rd

The video is also available below for you to watch to help you with today’s lesson.

Spr5.1.5 – Multiply 2-digits (area model) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


Afternoon History lesson: 

We know from studying the Bible story of Joseph, that during this story Joseph was sold by his brothers to be a slave. So, for today’s history lesson we will be looking at the different levels of importance that people had at the time the story of Joseph was set- Ancient Egypt.

For today’s task, you will be writing a diary entry from Joseph’s perspective as a slave. This must be an accurate recount of how a slave would have lived in Ancient Egypt.

Please click the link below to access the PowerPoint that will guide you through today’s learning.

Wednesday 03.03.21 Egyptian lesson-Life as a slave