Tuesday 2nd March 2021. Maths home learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


To start our maths learning today we are going to join in singing some number songs:


When you have watched the ‘Lost and Found’ story what did you notice about the boy’s jumper? Talk to your grown up about what you noticed. If you said his jumper is stripy you would be correct. The stripy jumper is also a repeating pattern. 

repeating pattern is a type of pattern where the rule just keeps on repeating over and over.

Last week we made some repeating patterns using animal pictures. Today we are going to practise a little more and make coloured repeating patterns. You can use lego bricks, strips of paper or pens or pencils. Watch the Numberblocks patterns episode:


Did you notice that the patterns started off easy with only red squares and then got more difficult? Can you make a repeating pattern using one colour?

From creepy crawlies hotel to fly catcher, how to build amazing Lego structures


Can you make a repeating pattern using 2 colours?

FREE Pattern Primary Teaching Resources and Printables - SparkleBox


How about 3 colours?

Learn with Play at Home: Learning Patterns with Lego


Maybe you can make up your own pattern?

I would love to see some photos of your repeating patterns.


Here are some games for you to play using repeating patterns:





For tomorrow’s activity you will need:

  • materials to make a boat (yogurt pot, a box, a toy boat or something else which you may think of)
  • A bowl or container filled with water
  • Something to put inside your boat such as lego bricks, pasta, toy cars, fruit.