Wrekin Home Learning 3rd March

Good morning everyone! I hope that you have been enjoying our home learning lessons and activities so far this week.

Remember that tomorrow is World Book day and we will be posting lots of fun ‘story’ related activities for you to enjoy and also planning lots of Zoom Story Time sessions throughout the day. I can’t wait to see all of your character costumes! Remember to bring your favourite story along to your class Zoom so that we can do a ‘Book Wave’ and share our favourite books with each other.

Make sure that you are logging on to Bug Club each day to access your reading books and activities.

Are you enjoying  your Phonics sessions with Mrs Thompstone? We would love to hear from you.

If you have any suggestions for stories you would like included in our Virtual Library, send a message on Dojo and we will see what we can do.


Today we are going to use our story mountain plan to write a simple ‘Lost and Found’ story. You could use your plan to tell your story to the person who looks after you. It would be great if you could make a recording so that we can listen to your story at school.

Click on the presentation below to guide you:

Wed Eng



Our Science work this week is based on staying healthy, we are going to be thinking about what makes a healthy diet.

Follow the presentation below:

healthy living powerpoint science (1)

Can you create your own ‘Healthy Plate’?

Healthy eating plate science handout (1)

cc science good hygeien standard version science handout (1)

good hygeien helper version science handout (1

Cheeky Challenge:

cc science