World Book Day- We Love Books!

At Holy Trinity we absolutely LOVE reading and we wanted to share with you some of our favourite books. Watch the videos below to find out about the books we love to read.

We can’t wait to hear about your favourite books too. Send your video to your class teacher on Class Dojo or on your class email.

On Thursday staff at Holy trinity will be holding live Story Time sessions on Zoom throughout the day. You can choose who you would like to listen to. The invites will be sent out by your class teacher on Dojo. We can’t wait to see which character you have chosen to dress up as, I wonder who the teachers will be?


Introduction to World Book Day with Miss Wright

Mrs Allcock shares her favourite book

Find out what Mrs Meddins’s favourite book is

I wonder which books the Early Years Team most enjoy?

Mrs Platt’s favourite book

Miss Hutson tells you about her favourite book

Miss Younger shares her favourite book


Miss Roberts talks about her favourite book

Miss Scoltock shares her favourite read


Can you guess which book is Mrs Kunne’s favourite?

Mrs Thompstone’s favourite book


Miss Kerr shares her favourite book

Mrs Phillips shares her favourite story


Mrs Morgan talks about her favourite book

There are also some great books to listen to on the World Book Day website below:

World Book Day tokens will be sent home with your child on Monday 8th March.