Lawley’s Week

We have had a great first week back in Lawley class for the start of our Summer Term, all helped with the beautiful sunshine!  In class we have started our new topic of Towers, Tunnels and Turrets with our Stunning Starter – a virtual trip to Whittington Castle.  We made an imaginary bus to start with, before going back into class to watch myself and Mr Hughes at Whittington Castle.

In English we have been reading The Tunnel by Anthony Browne, learning about commas and the features of a fiction story.  In Maths we have continued our learning of shapes, focusing on sorting and making patterns with 2D shapes, as well as counting the vertices and sides.  In Science we have started our unit on Plants with a nature walk looking at the common plants and trees we have within the school grounds.  In RE we have looked at the Big Frieze, finding out what it means and represents to Christians, and focusing on Creation.  In PE we focused on catching a ball after one bounce and hitting it with a cricket bat in preparation for Kwik Cricket over the next half term.  In DT we made projectiles out of lollypop sticks and blue tak to see how far they would travel and if they would be suitable for a castle attack.

We welcomed a new Trainee Teacher in Lawley Class this week, Miss Earnshaw will be with us until July.

Just a reminder to everyone – our reading books and diaries need to be sent into school every Friday so we can change books.  There were quite a few forgotten this week, so please do make sure they are sent in weekly.  Due to Friday being a PD day, we will be changing them Thursday, 29th April.  Also, Lawley’s PE sessions are a Monday and Friday, children must come to school in their school PE kits on both of these days.

Finally, congratulations and well done to Mollie who was Lawley’s Star of the Week.  Mollie is working hard to improve her phonics and reading.  She is also such a kind and helpful member of Lawley class and we are all very impressed with her efforts.  Well done Mollie.