Lawley’s Week

We have had another busy week in Lawley, where the children have been working so hard, put 100% effort into everything!  In English we have been learning about nouns, expanded noun phrases, creating a setting and creating our own characters in preparation for story writing next week.  In Maths we have focused on 3D shapes, learning how to count the faces, edges and vertices of a 3D shape.  In Topic we focused on History and learnt about castles through the ages, creating a timeline and looking at how castles have altered over the years.  We also had a DT lesson where the children designed, created and evaluated their own castle tiles – these were great fun to make.  In PSHE we focused on mental health, discussing different feelings we experience and the causes of these.  We finished the week off with our monthly birthday celebration party, where in Lawley we had a disco.

Our Star of the Week this week is Oskar.  Oskar has grown in confidence since returning to school after the Easter break, he is putting his hand up to answer questions, he shares his opinion and views, and discusses our work with his talking partner.  Oskar comes into class in the morning, sits down and starts his work straight away, he is working extremely hard.  Well done Oskar!