Lawley’s Week

We have had another brilliant week in Lawley, with the children working extremely hard in all lessons.  In Maths we have completed our Shapes unit and are now making a start on Fractions, with is looking at wholes and parts.  In English we have been using all our skills and learning from the last two weeks to write our own fictions stories based on The Tunnel by Anthony Browne.  The children have worked hard to ensure they use time connectives, expanded noun phrases, as well as full stops, capital letters, phonics and neat handwriting.  It has been a pleasure reading their fiction stories, with all the children using their fantastic imagination.

In Topic we have been learning about famous towers around the world, including using atlases to locate them, and in DT we planned our own tower and created them using Lego (unfortunately the ongoing rain stopped us visiting Forest School to build our towers in nature).  In Science we continued our learning on flowers and focused on the lifecycle of a sunflower, which included planting our own sunflower seeds.  We will be closely watching the seeds germinate!  In RE we continued our focus of the Big Frieze, concentrating on The Fall this week.  We discussed the Big Frieze picture and what we all thought sin meant.  We also thought carefully about why the word God is so important to Christians.

Our Star of the Week in Lawley this week is Miti T.  Miti has been working incredibly hard during our Shape unit in Maths, working practically and sharing his knowledge with the class.  He has developed confidence with counting the sides and vertices of 2D shapes, and the edges, faces and vertices of 3D shapes.  Well done Miti.

Please can I remind everyone that reading books must be returned to school every Friday.  We have seen numbers reduce dramatically over the last couple of weeks.  It is essential that all children are reading at least 5 times a week and that they have the opportunity to change their reading book once a week.  If your child did not come with their reading book on Friday, please can these been sent to school on Monday.  Thank you.