Lawley’s week

We’ve had another busy week in Lawley! In English we have started looking at newspaper reports, focusing on the features and creating a success criteria for our own, as well as learning about conjunctions and adverbs.  In Maths we have been recognising quarters and halves, using shapes, cubes and pizzas!  In topic we looked at different towers around the world, creating our own fact files.  In DT we created our own castle collages with a range of cardboard, material and resources.  In Science we continued our learning of what plants need to grow, and in RE we continued our focus on The Big Frieze, concentrating on Incarnation.  Finally, in PSHE we discussed healthy eating and the different food groups.  With this we then made wrap pizza, which the children have taken home today to cook and eat.

Our Star of the Week in Lawley is Kobie.  Kobie always has a smile on her face and enjoys sharing her knowledge and ideas in class.  She has helped us all in our fractions lessons this week, and has retained her learning from each lesson.  Well done Kobie!