Hello everybody! 

What a busy few weeks! Last week we  focused on the story of The Rainbow Fish. We talked about why the Rainbow fish  was sad in the story, and how he felt better after he was kind to his friends. We talked about what we needed to do to be a kind friend. We made friendship potions that had a mixture of everything we needed to be a good friend including: kind hands, kind words, sharing and love.

We have sung songs about fish and made shiny scales! These will make part of a class rainbow fish. There was glitter everywhere! Just the way we like it in Nursery. We have been doing lots of rainbow mark making outside using paint and water. Some children also liked to do some rainbow dancing using rainbow ribbons.


On Wednesday, we had a special guest. Mrs Dorofte was kind enough to bring in her tropical pet fish – our own Rainbow Fish! We talked about what the fish needed to live and how we could be kind and care for the fish. We made our own fishbowl with water, rocks and fish in it.

In Maths last week we  looked at colourful shapes. We have made rainbows out of shapes and played guessing games. The children are really good at recognising  their shapes; they even had a go at drawing them.

We have  also used our technology skills to match the correct coloured shapes on the interactive screen.

The Nursery children  have shown what superstars they are with their amazing phonics work. We have looked at the letter ‘m.’ We talked about how to write it and thought about words that started with ‘m.’  The children have practiced writing an ‘m’ and we now have a Fab Phonics board to proudly display their work. Some children have been independently practicing their numbers and letters.

The children have done lots of exciting learning through their play and have had lots of fun with their friends. Lots of lovely learning opportunities take place every day at Nursery. We are now approaching the end of our topic “How many colours in the rainbow?” , the children have had a wonderful time and thank you for the continued learning at home and your support. We are finishing with our rainbow party tomorrow so don’t forget your colourful clothes, and we will finish on Friday for a week. We look forward to the fun and learning of our next topic.

Please keep looking back on here  for photos and continue to check Class Dojo. Thank you,

Our new topic will be about different animals and their habitats. Starting with mini beasts the first week back, so happy bug hunting this half term.


The Nursery Team