What a day we have had. Our rainbow party day has been a true success and the children all looked lovely in their colourful clothes. We have had a very busy day, rainbow dancing, decorating biscuits, making rainbow hats (if the children wanted to), and have eaten lots of food and even had some fun and games with the parachute this afternoon. And an added bonus the sun was shining for us to have our rainbow party outside. Attached are some wonderful photos of our wonderful day. Your children are all amazing and we love to see them having fun. A big shout out has to go to Cris Cotea (A Journal for DD) who donated us this  wonderful treat for the children which had a surprise inside. Thank you so so much the children loved it. Also to Eva’s mummy for making a dairy free alternative at such short notice. Thankyou so so much.

Alongside all the fun and  games today, we are very sad to be saying goodbye to our lovely caretaker Mr Payne, whom is a regular face down in nursery and  all the children love to talk to and ask him what he is doing. Sadly Mr Payne has got  a new job so we had to take the opportunity to give him a card and gift from nursery as a big big thank you for all the jobs he does for us.

So, once again we have had an amazing and fun day. we hope all the children have had a lovely time and have enjoyed learning about the different colours in the rainbow.


From The Nursery Team