Our week in Caradoc

We have enjoyed a wonderful half term in Caradoc. During the final two weeks the children have been busy completing assessments in Maths and English, I am very proud of the progress they have made.

We have also been enjoying building Minotaur heads using papier mache in preparation for our Greek celebration day on the first day back after half term (more about that later).

In science the children have been investigating which materials are attracted to magnets.

Here are a few photographs from our final week:

I would like to say congratulations to Tyler for achieving Star of the Week this week, very much deserved and to Kam for earning our Values Champion pin this half term:

Finally, don’t forget that on Monday 7th June (the first day back) we will be holding our ‘Greek’ day. We are all going to dress up as an ancient Greek god or goddess or mythical beast. Please don’t feel you need to buy and special clothing for this, you could make a robe from a bed sheet, make a crown or mask or adapt an animal onesie to become a mythical beast. We will be preparing food and taking part in lots of different activities and of course showcasing our completed Minotaur heads!

I would encourage you to read with your child over the half term break and talk about the stories and books together. Enjoy the half term holiday, stay safe and thank you all again for your continued support.