Lawley’s Week

We had an enjoyable week in Lawley, especially with our Castle Day (see our separate post).  Throughout the week we completed our Fractions topic in Maths, wrote newspaper reports in English based on an imaginary attack at Whittington Castle, and learnt about how water in transported in flowers in Science.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Kaden, who has started to develop hugely in confidence by raising his hand, talking to his talking partner, and sharing his ideas and thoughts.  Kaden is a brilliant reader, and he is now using a louder voice so we can enjoy listening to him read.  Also, well done to Millie who was Lawley’s Values Champion.  This half term our values have been faith and believe, Millie has demonstrated many times that she believes in herself and others, she always carries on despite things being tricky sometimes.  Well done to Kaden and Millie!

I hope you all have an enjoyable half term, stay safe and have a good rest!  Please do remember to continue with your reading, and you could log onto Purple Mash, Numbots, TT Rockstars, Bug Club or Mathletics.