Lawley’s Week

We’ve had a lovely week in Lawley with everyone working very hard.  In English we have continued our learning of suffixes as well as describing Jack, the Giant and the setting of Jack and The Beanstalk.  In Maths we have been making equal groups, making doubles and learning about arrays using chocolate hoop!  In Science we have started our new unit of Living Things, with our focus this week being on living things and non living things.  In Topic we made a pizza garden by planting herbs and vegetables, and in art we went outside with the wax crayons and looked at different textures.  In PE we are practising our Athletic skills. We were also very fortunate to take part in an author festival with Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

Well done to Alex who is our Star of the Week.  Alex has been working hard in Maths with our multiplication and division unit, trying his best and persevering until he reaches the correct answer.  Alex also has a smile on his face and is such a good friend.