Hello Everybody. We have as always had a busy two weeks in nursery learning about different  animals. Last week we learnt about arctic and sea animals and all about their habitats and this week is all about farm animals. Here are some photos of our wonderful activities and learning that took place.

For literacy we did some lovely drawings of penguins using black paper and white chalk, the children were talking about cold animals. For Maths we played a game of matching the  sea creatures to the correct numeral. The children are getting very competent in matching these. We have used binoculars to look at an aquarium on the smart screen to see where different fish live. Some children noticed they were different sizes and different colours. We used our sharing and taking turns skills to look through binoculars.

As well as all the lovely activities we have been practicing for our sports day. The children are enjoying running the races.

This week we are learning about the farm, we have linked this to the Three Little Pigs story which came in useful for our whole school Shelter day. The children made homes for the little pigs because the wolf kept blowing them down. They had a great time using boxes, blankets, and whatever else they could find.

The children have listened to the story and have been reenacting using puppets and some even made pig masks.


Today we say goodbye to Miss Jones, our  trainee teacher whom has been helping support and teach the children. we wish her well and know that the children and staff will miss her very much. We are having a goodbye picnic this afternoon to say Goodbye. I am sure the children will talk about her and we thank her for all the support and care she has given he children


We have a busy few weeks coming up as the end of term creeps up on us. We have sports days to look forward to and lots of end of term activities as we will be saying bye to lots of our children who will be making the big transition to reception class. We have been taking these children for story time in Clee class to get them used to being in a different environment with different teachers. We will make this transition as smoothly as possible and the children have responded well to mixing with them. If you have and concerns please speak to a member of staff and we will help in any way we possibly can.


Thank you for your continued support. Your children are all amazing and we look forward to the rest of term and also welcoming new children in September.



Thank you

From the Nursery Team.