Here we go again Haughmond!!

Good morning Haughmond,

Well – you all know how upset I was yesterday. I’m not very good at hiding my feelings. I know how hard you have worked for your production and I really wanted us to get it  all filmed properly yesterday, so we could have a lovely Sports day today and then get something ready as a little leavers service for your parents.

I will do the best I can to put the play together and email it out to you bit by bit as soon as I can.


So this morning we have a Zoom at 9.00 to read the next chapter of our book Street Child. 

I have put the Chapter on the website in case you are not able to Zoom and the questions to accompany the chapter. We are getting near the end of the book now, and I know you are all eager to know what happens to Jim.

Tuesday RIC


Zoom link –

Topic: Maths
Time: Jul 13, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 966 2752 8580
Passcode: angles


We are continuing our work on Angles – Join us for a Zoom at 11.00 or follow the teaching slides below and the worksheet is attached.

Sum6.4.3 – Angles in a triangle from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Here is your worksheet – Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO5-Angles-in-a-triangle-2021

Topic –  The Industrial Revolution

Topic: Topic
Time: Jul 13, 2021 01:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 937 9365 4174
Passcode: Topic


We have discussed the Industrial Revolution a few times but not properly studied it.

The Industrial Revolution was a period of tremendous change in Britain, which lasted from around 1750 until around 1900. In this period of 150 years, almost every aspect of life in Britain changed.

It was the birth of the modern world and Britain changed from a rural country with small industries to a highly industrialised and wealthy nation.

Read through the power point carefully and choose an area that you would like to study in more detail. An area that interests you the most. Please do not choose anything to do with children in this time though as we have already studied this



When you have chosen what aspect you would like to explore, use the template if you wish or create a slide or word document with your information clearly presented.

Writing Frame -Leaflet Template

Have a great day Everyone and take care.