Pets Week in Clee!


Dear Zoo: Lift the Flaps: Rod Campbell: 9780230747722: Books

Last week our book of the week was Dear Zoo.



We talked about the pets we have at home and everyone made a mark on a chart to show which pets they have

When we counted up the totals found that the most popular pet in our class is a dog.


In PE we did yoga when we joined in going on a trip to the farm and copying the yogs animal poses


We released the four butterflies which we had watch change from caterpillars to butterflies during the last few weeks





We received a letter from the zoo saying that they wanted to give us a pet for our classroom. So we all wrote a letter back saying what pet we would like and why. Some children asked for a lizard, a panda, a fish or a puppy. We will have to wait to see what the zoo sends us.