Lawley’s Week

Our final full week in Lawley has been yet another busy one, with everyone working their socks off in all lessons!  In English the children wrote their own diary entries as Jack form Jack and The Beanstalk, using a range of description and imagination.  In Maths we have been continuing our work on time, using the clocks to support our learning .  It would be extremely useful for you to continue testing the children on time at home.  In Topic the children have developed their sewing skills to make lavender bags, the end product is fantastic and they have all worked through the difficulties of sewing very well!  In Science we discussed a range of different habitats, the animals we may find in that habitat and what we might feel, see and hear there.  Finally in RE we created acrostic poems on God’s Great Earth.

A final reminder that we need all reading books returning to school as soon as possible.

Thank you.