Our Week in Clee.


We have had another fantastic week in Clee!

The children have been continuing to explore and learn in the indoor and outdoor environments. We have been reading our class book ‘Errol’s Garden’ and the children have been sharing their experiences of growing and gardening. In Expressive Art and Design the children explored and painted sunflowers. We did our first PE sessions; the children showed their independence in dressing and undressing.

We have joined the rest of the school for Worship, singing practice and Star of the Week Celebration Assembly on Friday.

Our Star of the Week is Vali. Vali has settled so well in our class. When he first started in Clee he was very unsure but after only a few days he now has a big smile when he comes into class. He hangs up his bag, chooses his lunch and is ready to start the day with a big hello when his name is called on the register. Well done Vali we are very proud of you!


Our busy week in Clee:


Have a lovely weekend everyone. See you on Monday for another fun, busy week.