
We are nearly at the end of another busy week in nursery. Where do we start?

We continued the children’s interest in dinosaurs by bringing an egg which hadn’t hatched yet. We showed the children an egg and had to leave in water. The children all had a guess what could be inside , some said  “a snake”, “a dinosaur” and someone said ” a unicorn”.  it actually was a unicorn as we couldn’t find a dinosaur egg n time. The children had great fun watching  it.


We had a very fun time exploring some slime that Eva’s daddy brought in for the children. The children placed  dinosaurs  inside the slime and had a lovely slimy time.  

The picture’s below show what a good time they had exploring the new material of slime.

It was rather messy but thoroughly enjoyable. Slime wasn’t the only material we used this week. We watched a video abut dinosaurs and  fossils, so we had a go at making our own with clay. We used good rolling skills to roll the clay then placed a dinosaur inside to make the print. When these are dry we will bring them home.

We have enjoyed water play outside and have used brushes to paint the floors and the house.

We even managed to do some baking this week, we made dinosaur biscuits. Lots of learning experiences have taken place this week.


We mixed and stirred the ingredient’s and took turns and worked together tu make the delicious biscuit’s.

Nursery is about learning through play and this week lots of learning has taken place. The children are  continually learning their social skills . Here are some more picture’s of  the busy week.

A big thanks to Liberty for returning Henry and Henrietta. Thys week they have gone to Graham’s house for adventures.

A Big well done to Daniel. He is Nursery Star of the week this week for adapting to full days and always trying hard. All the children are Nursery Stars. Well done everyone for everything this week. You are all amazing.