20.10.21- Stiperstones Home learning

Good morning,

Please find the timetable of activities for today below:


Watch the video below, and then have a go at answering the RIC questions.


Write a book review on the class text Sky Hawk by Gill Lewis

Use the template below- to help you write your book review.




Yesterday in maths, we looked at adding four digit numbers together. Today- we are going to work on subtracting four digit numbers.

Firstly, warm up by completing the fluent in five:

Before, completing the worksheet for today- watch the tutorial video below, to remind yourself of how to use the subtraction column method.





In topic, I would like you to research and create a poster about Darwin’s theories.

Watch the video below to help you.


Don’t forget to submit your work to me on Dojo.

I hope you have a good day.