Home Learning: Wednesday, 20th October

Good morning Caradoc!

I hope you are well.  Thank you to those children who sent in work to me yesterday, it is great to see you working so hard.

Phonics and Reading 

To start with I would like you to join in with two of my virtual phonics sessions.  You will find these on our school website, here is the link:

Virtual Phonics | Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy and Nursery (holytrinitycepa.co.uk)

Next, I would like you to read you Phonics Book Bag Book and your Reading for Challenge Book.  Don’t forget to record this in your reading diary.


I would like you to start our English session by looking at one page of your Reading for Pleasure book.  Look at the picture and describe what you see.  Remember to use adjectives, full stops, capital letters, neat writing and use your phonics for spellings.

Now, I would like you to think back to yesterday and your favourite nursery rhyme.  Today I would like you to read over it and find the rhyming words.  Circle these to show you have found them.  Next, can you think of any other rhyming words you could use?  Put these into sentences just like we did in class last week. 

For example: The cat was sat on top of the mat.


To start with, please write down all numbers from 0 to 100.  Time yourself and see how quickly you can do this.  Here is our number song to help you:

Today we are going to focus on checking calculations.  To help you with this, watch the video below:

Aut2.5.2 – Check Calculations from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Now, complete the worksheet based on your learning on checking calculations.

Check Calculations


In Topic today we are looking at the history of our school.  If possible, I would like you to use Kiddl.com to research facts about our school in the past and present.  Then, create a fact file based on your findings – you can present this in any way you choose.  If you are unable to access the internet, I would like you to describe our school as you know it now, in the present. 

Finally, I would like you to write three questions you would like to ask someone who used to go to our school in the past.

Let’s end the day by sharing your Reading for Pleasure book.  Have a good day and stay safe.