Hello everybody, we are very pleased to be back at Nursery and hope you had a restful half term.

Firstly we welcome Fletcher to our nursery, he has settled in well and is enjoying nursery so far. We have been having lots of fun as normal.

We started the week by looking at some autumn leaves and the children liked to  explore them in different ways either by a picture or by using the magnifying glasses to look at them.  We explored the autumn leaves whilst going to the forest, and had a nice treat in there as well. Lots of communication took place about  the environment. We did some number games and some physical games on the field.

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The children have been learning again to put their own  wellies and coats, and are getting  very able at this which   you can encourage at home as well, independence is very important  at this age and every opportunity is a learning one.

We must say Thankyou  to the new school caretaker for giving nursery some tubes, the children have   been using them as ramps for cars.

The children had fun finding different ways to use them. This gave the children lots of new learning experiences, and we talked about  long and short, fast and slow, and lots more language. The children always have fun outside and this just added to their learning.

We have talked about  the festival of light, Diwali and the children enjoyed using clay to make diva lamps .  We used lots of glitter and had lots of fun. We have also started using Fred the phonics frog to help sound words out.

The nursery children are always learning, and we have been talking about the safety of fireworks and if any of you see any as a family can you send us the    photos so we can share them together.

Nursery star of the week this week is Siyana whom has settled in really well and is learning the  nursery rules. Well done Siyana!

Henry and Henrietta have been to Artur’s house for a few days and will be going home with Jack for the weekend. We are sure he will have a lovely time.

Nursery Term Newsletter will be on class dojo this afternoon. Make sure you take a look so you know what will be learning this term.


Thanks for the support and your children are delightful and always amazing us.

The Nursery Team