Hello everyone we have had an extremely busy week in nursery, we have been singing our Christmas songs which the children are fab at doing the actions and the words.   We have had a few dress rehearsals and they all look adorable as sheep and cows. They have learnt the words and actions really well. Well done Nursery and we have our performance at 930 and 230 on Monday, please come and watch they are wonderful.

We had our music session with Amanda again and she learnt us a new song and the difference between fast and slow and loud and quiet.

We introduced the Christmas story to the children   and they enjoyed using the soft toys to retell it in their own way.

As well as all the Christmas activities the children have been exploring the new tea set in the home corner and mark making. The  children  are always busy and we don’t always get time to take the pictures we would like to and with the festivities coming we will try our best to share them with you.


We said a big well done to Brooke, our star of the week. All the children amaze us everyday. Henry and Henrietta are having some wonderful adventures and this week has been to Roman’s house and Daniel’s, we are sure they are enjoying seeing your homes.

The next few weeks will be very busy and thanks for all the continued support you give to the children and us.

Here’s to a busy but fun and exciting few weeks.