πŸŽ„It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Stiperstones πŸŽ„

Stiperstones have been getting into the Christmas spirit over the past week. πŸŽ„β­οΈ

It started last Wednesday morning, when we preformed our KS2 Christmas service. Over the past few weeks, in our RE lessons, we have been exploring the nativity story at a deeper level. Reflecting on questions such as: why were the shepherds the first to visit baby Jesus? Why did the three wise men give gifts of Frankincense, gold and myrrh? Why were Mary and Joseph travelling to Bethlehem?
Through our RE lessons, we looked at answering these questions and then preformed our learning in our Christmas service. All children have worked very hard and made me proud during our production.


We then enjoyed a fantastic Christmas dinner, cooked by our wonderful kitchen team.

Then on Friday, we participated in the Santa Dash! πŸŽ…πŸ»
We all braved the cold and completed 15 laps of the daily mile loop around the playground. The children displayed some excellent running and resilience to keep going. We all had great fun! πŸ˜ƒ