Hi everybody we are so happy to be back at nursery. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas   break.

As usual our first week back at nursery has been a very busy one, we have welcomed some new children whom have all settled brilliantly. They are enjoying exploring the nursery environment.

Here are some photos showing the children have a lovely time and learning through their play .

As you can see the children have been super busy exploring the different areas in nursery. They are developing in all areas of learning and we will try to keep you all up  to date though here or class dojo. We will be having a theme but also be going with   the children’s interest’s as well. Next week we will introduce a new book called Lets All go to Crocodile creek so will be talking about Crocodiles. This week Eva bought in her new guitar and was very kind and let the children all have a turn at playing it.

We have some budding musician’s in the making . Well done Nursery! Today we celebrated Daniel for having the Christianity  award for compassion. We are so happy to be able to share such lovely moments with your wonderful children and thankful for you sharing them with us. Nursery is the start of your child’s learning journey and we love being a part of it.




Thank you for your continued support.

The Nursery Team.