Welcome back Caradoc!

Welcome back following the Christmas break. A huge thank you from myself and Mrs Morgan for our wonderful Christmas cards and gifts, we were really touched by them all, so thank you.  We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break.

The children have all settled back into the routine of school beautifully, and have all been working extremely hard throughout the week.  In English we have started a unit based on a book called The Dragon Machine, with children making predictions on what the book may be about, as well as using present tense to write sentences imagining dragons were taking over our classroom!  In Maths we have started our Multiplication and Division unit with the children recapping their Year 1 knowledge on making equal groups and adding equal groups.  In Science we continued our Everyday Materials unit by looking at simple properties of materials, with the children describing a range of objects around the classroom, and in RE we started our Islam unit with the children sharing what they already know.  In Geography we have started looking at the Polar Regions, with our first lesson focusing on their location, as well as the continents and oceans of the world, and in Art we used a range of drawing media to make marks, comparing the marks each media made.  In PE we started our Gymnastics unit with making different shapes with our bodies, and in ICT we continued our Online Safety unit by sharing email safely.

Congratulations to Valeria for being awarded the Christian Distinctiveness badge for last half term.  Valeria constantly shows compassion towards all members of the class and school, as well as towards all adults.  She is caring, considerate and so helpful.  Well done Valeria!

Please remember that our PE days are a Monday and Thursday, and children must be reading at home at least 4 – 5 times a week.  Spellings will start from Monday, 10th January, with our first spelling test of the term taking place on Monday, 17th January.  Remember, if you have any questions, or wanted to share any news, please do contact me on Dojo or let me know on the school door.

Here are a few photographs of our learning this week.