Our week in Caradoc

We have had a busy week in Caradoc and it is lovely to see the children developing in confidence by putting their hands up more and more to share their ideas and opinions.  In English we have been continuing our work on The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward, by using the conjunctions because and when, writing in the present tense, and asking questions to Mr Kenyon to help us with the dragons!  In Maths we have using the multiplication symbol in our number sentences and using arrays to help us find the correct answers.  In Science we looked at a range of everyday items and grouped them based on their properties, noticing that many can be put into several groups.  In Geography we recapped where the Polar Regions are located by using the huge school map in the corridor, then looked at the weather and temperature experienced.  In PE we moved around the hall using different shapes, speeds and heights, followed by learning the pencil roll.  In ICT we learnt about our Digital Footprints, with the children making a safety poster based on keeping our shared information safe.  In RE we learnt about the history of Islam and facts about this faith.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Keedie, who has listened extremely well over the last two weeks and has transformed her handwriting.  Keedie is also growing in confidence with sharing her ideas with the rest of the class, and is being a fantastic friend and member of Caradoc class.  Well done Keedie.

Here are a few photos to show our learning over the week: