Our week in Reception.


We have had another busy, fun week in Reception!


In Literacy we have been continuing our learning based on the story ‘Let’s all creep through Crocodile Creek’ by Jonny Lambert. We have been looking at and talking about different ways to travel. The children talked about their favourite way to travel and where they would travel to. We continued our learning into LEX time:


We also acted out part of the story and talked about the rhyming words. We continued the rhyming string ourselves using real and nonsense words such as ‘lumpy’, ‘bumpy’ ‘glumpy’ ‘gumpy’. Mrs Meddins pretended to be a reporter reporting for Clee News. She asked the ‘explorers’ how they felt when they walked over the crocodile, through the thorns and the vines through the pretend ‘Crocodile Creek’. 



In Maths we have been learning about mass and capacity. We filled containers and described if they were full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty or half full. We used balancing scales to learn about heavy, heaviest, heavier, light, lightest and lighter:

We each had a small box to see how many items we could fit into it. When our box was full we used the five frames to help us find out how many items were in the box.



We have visited the new library in school. We looked at photographs of Oswestry library and then compared it with our school library. We knew we needed to be quiet in the library and Mrs Meddins read us a book called ‘Gigantosaurus’.