Our week in Reception.


We have had another busy week in Reception this week.

This week we have learned how to say ‘hello’ in Romanian. Each time we have taken the register the children have said ‘Buna’.


In Literacy we have continued to read the story ‘Let’s all creep through Crocodile Creek’. After reading some more of the book we worked together in groups to plan and make an obstacle course . We talked about the words ‘balance, clamber, swing, jump, hop’ to help us think about what we needed to make the obstacle course:

Later on in the week we looked at photographs of us making the obstacle course. We talked about the photographs and wrote about what we did.



Our Maths learning this week is ‘Growing 6, 7, 8’. We have learned about these numbers and how we can represent them and demonstrated this in many different ways:



We have been Learning and Exploring indoors and outdoors:




This has been our last week that we’ve been learning about the RSPB Great School’s Birdwatch. We went out to see how many different types of birds we could spot and recorded this on our birdwatch sheets. We also looked at peacock feathers and painted pictures of them:




On Thursday one of the children brought in two daffodils and gave them to Mrs Meddins and Mrs Dallow. We looked at the daffodils and then at some daffodils which were growing in a pot. We talked about how they grow and the different parts of the plants such as bud, petals, leaves, soil and bulb.




On Friday one of the children found a very small caterpillar. We carefully looked at the caterpillar. We looked on the internet at different types of caterpillar and at the life cycle of a caterpillar. The children decided that the caterpillar wouldn’t like to eat pizza like they had for their dinner, but would like grass and leaves instead. They went to collect some and we popped the caterpillar and leaves into a butterfly net.

We will look again at the caterpillar when we get to school on Monday.


Have a lovely weekend everyone. If you are out and about or in your garden maybe you could see how many birds you can spot.

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Dallow.