Caradoc’s Week

We have had another busy week in Caradoc, with the children all working hard in all lessons.  In English we have been creating leaflets, writing commands and creating our own mischievous character’s as part of our work on The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward.  In Maths we have been working on dividing by 2 and 5, as well as looking at odd and even numbers.  In Science we completed an investigation to find the most suitable material to make an umbrella, which was great fun!  In Geography we focused on the animals that live in the Arctic and Antarctica, creating fact files on a chosen animal, and in RE art we created observational drawings based on the work of Maurice Sendak.  In RE we learnt about the Islamic Prophet Muhammed and listened to the story of The Prophet and the Ants.  In PE we used the apparatus to move in different directions and using different shapes and in ICT we learnt how to copy and paste in our Spreadsheets unit.  We visited the school library again, where the children explored the book shelves and listened to a story by lying down which they all loved!

Well done to our Star of the Week, Charlie!  Charlie is a great role model in class and throughout the school. but he has particularly impressed me this week by using question marks and exclamation marks in our English work.  Well done Charlie.