Caradoc’s Week

What another busy week we have had in Caradoc!  The children have continued to put 100% effort into their work, and everyone is growing on confidence with sharing their ideas and answers to the class.

In English we have been adding suffixes to verbs to describe what has happened in the past, as well as writing a diary entry in the past tense.  In Maths we have been using all of the skills we have developed over the last few months and completed past Key Stage 1 SAT papers to get the children used to the format ready for May.  In Science we carried out an investigation to see which materials can change shape through twisting, bending, stretching and squashing.  In RE we learnt about Islam’s holy book, the Qur’an, with the children designing their own front cover before moving on next week to looking at the importance on handling and taking care of the holy book.  In art we looked at the work of Stephen Wilshire and mirrored his drawing style when creating our own pieces of art on buildings around Oswestry.  In Geography we learnt about the different climate zones, comparing these to our temperate zone in the UK.  We also celebrated National Story Telling Week by listening to lots of different stories selected by the children, as well as listening to a live author zoom story by Carmen Agra Deedy.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Hannah, who has shown a keen interest in our RE lessons and sharing so many facts about the Islam faith, and what it is like to be a Muslim.  Well done Hannah.

Unfortunately we were unable to change our reading books on Friday, apologies for this.  They will be changed on Monday, so please ensure book bags come into school.  Thank you.